What Should People Know About Nursing Home Abuse?

While the vast majority of nursing homes work to make sure their residents are safe, healthy, and happy, there are facilities that offer substandard care. These facilities place the lives of the elderly in danger and can sometimes even cause their death. When a loved one feels their parent or elderly relative is being mistreated or even abused in a nursing home, it is crucial they seek legal help right away so the facility can be held accountable for the damages they have done. A Personal Injury Lawyer will work to investigate the facility and bring them to justice.

There are a variety of reasons people hire a lawyer to pursue nursing home abuse:

Medications errors and overdose are seen quite frequently at Heard Robins Cloud LLP. When medications are not given as directed, and illness or injury result, the nursing home can be held liable.

Bed sores are a common complaint among nursing homes that do not follow patient care protocol guidelines. Bed sores are a clear indication an elderly person is not being properly cared for.

Unfortunately, sexual abuse is a growing problem in nursing homes located across the country. These heinous acts must be punished so the elderly are protected.

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Although some injuries are true accidents, constant injuries are a warning sign that needs to be investigated promptly. Broken bones, bruises, cuts, and burns do not happen on a frequent basis and should be reported right away so the nursing home can be investigated by the authorities and held accountable for their lack of care.

Proper nutrition and hydration are crucial for an elderly person’s health. When a patient is being neglected, food and water will sometimes be withheld. Those who are concerned about the nutrition of their loved one need to have the facility checked to ensure no mistreatment is going on.

When one meets with the lawyers at Heard Robins, they need to come prepared to give as much information as possible. Any pertinent information may prove helpful in pursuing a claim against the owners and staff of the nursing home. A lawyer will fight on behalf of the injured elderly and give them a voice when they have none of their own.

If you feel your loved one is being abused or mistreated in any way, it is imperative you act quickly. If you need further information, you can visit Heard Robins Cloud LLP. They will help you get justice for your loved one.

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